Cesarean Surgery ~ closure of 2nd layer of uterus, rectus muscle and skin     
Summary of Surgical Consequences /Complications

(20) second and outer layer is sutures





(22) Closure of visceral peritoneum

(23) Closure of the rectus sheath



(24) Closure of the skin wound


go on photos for single vs double closure of uterus

As one can see, there are many discrete phases to this abdominal surgery -- 24 have been photographically identified but there were many micro-steps that were not so easily photographed, such as blunt dissection of bladder from the surface of the uterus and tying off bleeding blood vessels. 

 In addition, the mother's muscles were pulled apart and her a abdominal organs handled. Often the uterus is actually extroverted (pulled thru the incision and placed on the top of her abdomen) in order to suture it. This is one of the reasons for the intense post-operative pain characteristic of abdominal surgery.

The are many opportunities for intra-operative complications such as hemorrhage, continuous ozing of small blood vessels/failure of blood to clot properly, accidental cutting or tying off of the wrong structure (such as a ureter), and lacerating the baby during the initial incision into the uterus. Other immediate intra- or post-operative complications include drug reactions, anesthetic accidents, pulmonary embolism (potential fatal blood clots in the lungs) and emergency hysterectomy (13-fold increase).

Infection as a result of entering a sterile body cavity and handling organs (bruising tissue) is greatly increased as compared to spontaneous vaginal birth. For example, about 6% of post-cesarean mothers have secondary infertile as a result of a post-op infection.  

Cesarean is blessing to mothers and babies when it is a life-saving operation. However, it is still very serious surgery that should be reserved for true emergencies.

The public needs to be well informed of the risks and complications and childbearing families required fully  transparent "informed consent" before choosing it "electively" such as for breech, twins or a repeat CS.

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